Island Energy
Home Utilities MenuSolar Interconnection Program
Starting on August 17, 2020, Island Energy’s Solar Incentive Program has been discontinued as Island Energy satisfied its statutory requirements to SB1. Island Energy no longer provides cash rebate to new solar PV system installations.
Customers who wish to install solar PV system at their premises, please follow the application process as below.
- Obtain a Solar PV Rebate Application Form and a Service Interconnection Agreement (online) or Solar PV Rebate Application Form and a Service Interconnection Agreement (PDF).
- Fill out the application form and submit it to the Utility with the required support documents via internet, by mail or office drop-off. The Utility will process all completed applications within thirty (30) days.
- Attach a check to pay the interconnection application fee(s), the application fee amount is proportionate to the costs incurred by the Utility’s staff to review the interconnection application including solar system sizing, engineering design, utility inspection and final meter turn on.
- For residential solar system, the application and interconnection fee is $200.00 per application
- For commercial solar system up to 50 kilowatts (kW), the application fee is $500.00 per application
- For commercial solar system greater than 50 kilowatt (kW) the application fee is $1,000.00 per application.
- Upon receiving approval from the Utility, the Customer must sign the service interconnection Agreement to participate in Island Energy’s Solar Incentive Program and Exported Renewable Energy (ERE) Program.
- Receive a building permit from the City of Vallejo. It is recommended to get application approval from the Utility before obtaining a building permit.
- After receiving the building permit, the Customer should begin the installation process within one hundred eighty 180 days of receiving the Utility’s approval or the application will expire.
- Upon completion of the installation, obtain a building safety inspection from the Building Department of the City of Vallejo.
- Contact Island Energy for a Utility inspection and replace the regular meter with a bi-directional meter. Once the bidirectional meter is installed, the solar system is interconnected to the Utility’s grid.
Existing solar customers enrolled in the Net Engineering Metering (NEM) Program and the Exported Renewable Energy (ERE) Program will retain the benefits offered by the respective program until the expiration of their 20-year enrollment program.
Island Energy’s bi-directional meter DOES NOT measure energy generation of your solar PV system. Bi-directional meter only measures energy taken from the grid (kWh from Grid) and energy given back to the grid (kWh to Grid).
The tracker of your solar PV system measures the solar energy generated by your solar PV system. Your solar generation roughly equals to your household electricity demand+ excess solar energy given back to the grid.
During an electric power outage, your solar system will not function unless designed to work with a battery or standby generator.