Calendar / Event Schedule

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Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element Update

The Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element Update will be available for public comment and review on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Please visit our website to review online at: Housing Element Update 2023-2031 | City of Pittsburg ( or, in person at: City of Pittsburg, Planning division, 65 Civic Avenue, Pittsburg, Ca 94565

What is a Housing Element Update?

  • Goals, policies, and actions to address our current and projected housing needs
  • Inventory of sites suitable to accommodate the housing needs allocation for 2023-2031
  • Assessment of financial and programmatic resources for housing development, rehabilitation, and preservation
  • Analysis of fair housing issues and constraints


Community Workshops

Community Workshops have been scheduled for Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. online (via zoom-see login information below and at 6:00 p.m. (in person) to introduce the Draft Housing Element Update to the public and take comments.


Online (Via Zoom) at 10:30 a.m.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 828 1131 0437                   Passcode: 823525

Dial in phone numbers: (669) 900-9128; (669) 444-9171; (719) 359-4580; or (253) 205-0468

In person at 6:00 p.m.

City of Pittsburg, Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, 65 Civic Ave, Pittsburg, CA 94565


To learn more, please visit: Housing Element Update 2023-2031 | City of Pittsburg (

Direct questions to: Maurice Brenyah-Addow, Senior Planner, tel: 925.252.4261 or email:

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